We warmly welcome you to Gulf English School Nursery and hope that you and your child will experience a happy year with us.
Due to the Covid19 pandemic, the Ministry has instituted strict practices that need to be followed by every Nursery in Qatar. Therefore, the normal school day will look very different until restrictions are lifted. We would like to share some information with you about what procedures will be followed by us.
- Upon arrival, only one adult will be allowed to bring the student onto the premises. A green status must be confirmed at the gate, and temperature will be taken for both adult and child. If your child has an elevated temperature your child will not be admitted into to nursery. You may try sitting in the car for a while to see if the student’s temperature drops.
- Adults are NOT permitted into the Nursery building. The student will be left in the care of a staff member at the door.
- The student needs to take off shoes (to be taken home) and wear Crocs or Flip Flops (that can be washed and sanitised) that will remain inside the school. These must be clearly labelled with the student’s name in permanent marker.
- A set of spare clothes, a large packet of wipes and 4 spare diapers (Pampers) must be packed in a zip-lock bag, marked with the student’s name, which will be kept inside school.
- No fabric bags will be allowed – only bags that can be wiped down will be permitted.
- Inside the bag, please pack only a healthy snack – (no fast food, nuggets, chocolates, biscuits, sweets or fizzy drinks allowed), a bottle of water (name on please!), eating utensils and 3 daily diapers.
- No other toys, blankets, money etc. will be allowed inside the school.
- We need 2 current emergency numbers in case we need to contact you regarding your child.
- Please note all items MUST be clearly labeled to prevent any cross contamination in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
- If a student has an elevated temperature at any time during the day, they will be isolated in a separate area and you will be contacted to fetch them immediately. The student may NOT return until proof of being Covid-19 free is provided.
- To prevent spreading of the virus, only half-day sessions will be provided, until further notice from the Ministry.
- In order to give us enough time to properly sterilize for the next session, please collect your child promptly from the nursery entrance (please remember to bring shoes).
- In the interest of preventing the spread of the virus, if your child is showing any symptoms or has come in contact with a confirmed or suspected covid-19 patient please keep your child at home.
We are following strict Ministry directives in order to prevent the spread of the virus and to keep the nursery environment and the students as safe as possible We will let you know should anything changes. We thank you kindly for your cooperation in this matter.